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20 článků z AstroSvět

Středa 18. dubna 2012

Hubble Telescope: History And Overview

Throughout the history of astronomy, the Hubble telescope has been on of the most crucial inventions. The Hubble telescope has enabled astronomers to look farther into the universe than any telescope before. In addition, the Hubble telescope has allowed us to see far away objects more clearly than any other preceding telescope. When it is utilized beyond the earth’s atmosphere, astronomers...

Úterý 17. dubna 2012

The Mystery Of Dark Matter May Be Explained By Quantum Gravity

There are lots of short-lived acceleration vectors of mean magnitude that are randomly located in a quantum vacuum. The vectors in alignment with the frame look smaller while the vectors going against the frame look larger when the vacuum is viewed in an accelerated frame. This results in a net polarization within the vacuum. However, the result is linear if the acceleration (g) of the frame is...

Introduction To Telescopes: Windows To The Universe

Telescopes allow us to view objects in outer space that we would not be able to see with the naked eye, thus, they are often called windows towards the universe. Telescopes allow us to study the solar system and formations of stars. They also enable us to view various planets, galaxies, asteroids, and more beyond our solar system and even the Milky Way. They act as barrier-breaking instruments...

Pondělí 16. dubna 2012

The Beautiful Night Sky

There’s usually one fundamental instance that we can all go back to when it comes to astronomy. This is looking up at the seemingly endless stars and planets on a clear night away from city lights for the first time. For city dwellers, this can be a rare beauty to see. Most of us have no idea the vast panorama of lights that brighten up a clear night sky when you are away from the...